Just how good (and smart) am I??

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Just how good (and smart) am I??

Post by DaBurglar »

[Trump] I'm hugely good and unbelievably smart.......HUGELY SMART and UNBELIEVABLY GOOD! [/TRUMP]I'm qualified, and indeed I'm an EXPERT, in whichever field of study or endeavor we happen to be discussing at this very moment.....it's something I was just born with (like my bone disease......my HUGE, UNBELIEVABLE abilities and 100% rate of success are congenital!)  This means that the rest of the American People will just have to accept the fact I am superior to them and always know what's right, that's just the way it is....and if for some reason things do not go the way I want or say, then its obvious that certain people did not WANT it to succeed and engaged in a conspiracy to thwart my plans, which is why I have no plans to begin with......that makes it HUGELY difficult for the conspirators to carry out their conspiracies because they do not know my plans because I have none!  I have no programs or solutions to SABOTAGE to begin with!    Isn't that just brilliant on my part?  I'm so brilliant, and when I am president we're going to make America grope.....I mean great again, trust me!  It's going to be  UNBELIEVABLY great.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

The preposterous nature of the fact that such a person can be this close to the presidency is indeed testament to the stupidity, ignorance, mean spirited "Cut off my nose to spite my WHOLE BODY"  nature of what passes as TODAY's Republican party......this is not "Conservatism", not even remotely so.......I personally dislike Hillary Clinton and I am 100% cognizant of the hypocrisy she (and her party) represents....Dempocrats  vs.  Republicans.......two diseased creatures that both lead to the same end, ruination.   I just want people out there, either republican or democrat...right or left....blue or red.....to publicly acknowledge that your party(ies) have totally imploded and have abandoned any and all semblance of legitimacy and decency that is necessary to govern, and govern well....it's just gone, period.     There is an urgent need for a third party/alternative, at least temporarily, to allow both parties to cleanse the preoposterous, ridiculous, pointless elements from each organization, to properly prioritize the issues facing the nation and the world, and to resume the process (or "ART")  of   C O M P R O M I S E !After this election, someone, or some group, from either or BOTH parties, needs to organize and form  a third party and get going......do something to challenge and shake up the current messes in both parties.IN THE MEANTIME however......Sadly, at this moment, there is only one truly rational move left to any voter who is NOT exercising the right NOT to vote (like I am).........if you feel you MUST vote, then you cannot choose Trump.    The sheer damage alone from simply ELECTING him, let alone actually inaugurating and having him form an "Administartion" would be catastrophic......The country, and indeed the WORLD, will not survive.      Hillary Clinton, for all the smelly baggage, at least does not pose a existential threat by her sheer presence in the oval office, and is in fact one of the more qualified & politically able/experienced individuals to run for the office.....does not cancel out or negate all her downside, but she is far and away the LESSER of two VERY evil choices.But to NOT vote is really the best, or correct move here, now, given all that has happened and continues to happen.......

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Post by DaBurglar »

But as to what I REALLY, truly believe........read God's word, the Bible.I would never ever post this in anyplace BUT the Anything & Everything section.....when Jesus told us to pray "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done", he was not just whistling dixie....this is, and remains, the one truly bonafide and certain hope for the world......that God, through Christ, will finally step in and stop the mess that mankind continues to make of the planet.You can feel it in the air, the spirit of people and the world is just no longer open to any type of compromise or decency....indeed what I said above, about people now willing to cut off their nose to spite their face, is an indication that human society in general is no longer able to simply act in its OWN longterm selfish interests!That's all I will say about that, and I invite ALL viewpoints, beliefs and ideas to respond or amplify what I have said thus far.....

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Post by billryan »

What you fail to realise is that Clinton is Satan, and Trump is God's hand chosen pick to save America from the Devil himself.
The only thing standing between utter damnation and us is Donald
Notice how he sniffles whenever he's around her? It's because he is allergic to evil.
This isn't about left and right.
This is God's Own Chosen One vs Evil Incarnate.

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Post by Lionqueen »

I'm chartering a boat to take me to a remote island until the next election. No news for 4 years. The boat (and it's a big one) has already sold out. Now I just need to find a good island. 😬

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Post by Tedlark »

Will there be video poker on this boat and island Lionqueen? If yes; I hope it's Class III and not rigged....

Oh, and: DreamCard is available in multi-hand.

Come Back Kid
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Post by Come Back Kid »


(I was going to say, I want in, but forgot I get seasick)

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Post by Lionqueen »

Hmmmmm I hadn't thought of that. 4 years without video poker? Guess I need to stay here. Drat!

Come Back Kid
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Post by Come Back Kid »

So, does that mean there's an open spot?   

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Post by Tedlark »

I do know someone who would be DaFirst to be voted off DaIsland...

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