Man Vs Woman players?

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Re: Man Vs Woman players?

Post by BobDancer »

  Late last year I changed how I play VP.  One of the first things I did was learn to play with the card deal on the slowest setting.  I take my time now and force myself to slow down.  I make less errors and it shows in my results. 

Correct. And since you're playing games where the house has the edge, you'll end up playing fewer hands --- which means you will lose less. Very smart. Playing even slower, perhaps by walking around your chair between hands, will decrease your losses even more.I know this sounds sarcastic, but I'm being serious. So long as you insist on playing bad games, see if you can find ways to slow down. That will cost you less money per hour.

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=Lucky Larry] He explained that when I found a machine like that it had an older chip that allowed you to move up denominations and still use the same chip when play was hot (my timing was good). I can't tell you how often I used that knowledge over the next couple of years before most older chips were replaced.

The fact that you did well was fortunate --- and not because the machine was hot. The fact that the machine paid off again after paying off previously at a lower stake was a coincidence. Had you kept following this procedure you would have also noticed that your timing was frequently bad. It's nice you had a positive streak, but be very wary of drawing the conclusion that this was a clever way to play. It wasn't. It's quite possible that the tech was quite savvy and realized that even though he was giving spurious advice, every so often someone who followed it would be successful. And since grateful players have been known to tip . . . ergo, it's a smart move for him to show you this.[/QUOTE] Bob.....I AGREE 100% with what you just posted here in this reply to Lucky Larry, one of my personal favorite posters, and one of the forum's Favorite posters (and most successful)!!!!You make the valid, and seemingly obvious point that MUCH of what happens vis-a-vis computer chips, RNGs, and whether a game is based off of a single chip within each single machine  OR  is part of a network of hundreds or even thousands of games all tied into one single SERVER somewhere located offsite or within a secure room inside the actual's all PURE coincidence (or "luck") when examining individual results by themselves.I've made this point for years, only to be shot down by the  KARMA crowd.....that is, a lot of people here actually and honestly believe that by them doing "good deeds" prior to playing video poker  (good deeds such as giving a few dollars to someone claiming to be homeless or with some other tale of woe) that this inevitably brings them some really good results or profit during their subsequent video poker play.It's hogwash, delusional thinking of the highest order......I am all in favor, andactively encourage and practice doing "good deeds", giving back to society or to individuals in need with a  SELFLESS motivation....."selfless" means that you do these good deeds with absolutely NO expectation (passive, active or otherwise by belief in that some goofy force of "Karma" is going to repay back to you a ROYAL FLUSH for giving some homeless bum 5 bucks's idiotic.)When Jesus CHrist and his apostles made statements such as "Whatever a person is reaping, this he will also sow", they were NOT speaking of such simplistic things like giving someone X amount of dollars and at some point the Holy spirit will cause some game in a casino to spew out to you a whole boatload of cash......for starters, gambling in general is NOT something God the Father nor his Son Jesus Christ generally approves of.....perhaps once in a while, on a limited basis after ALL other financial  obligations of a person have been met, a limited amount of play in a casino might be ok both within a Christian's conscience and in the sight of that person's higher power......but sadly, all too often, Greed (which is most certainly CONDEMNED in the holy scriptures) infects most person's interaction in casinos and taints the whole process, thus ruining whatever possible manifestation of the original idea of "Karma".Sorry folks,,,,,,these games in these casinos operate on one principle only.....random number generation and the corresponding mathematical applications and theories that drive what those random numbers result in and payout, with human elements such as promotions and  giveaways and modifications to payouts and paytables, contests  etc etc  allowing certain alert and conscientious people (like BOB Dancwer) to perhaps sway the odds temporarily in their favor beyond the mere coincidence other players make a big deal about.And that is the unequivocal truth.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=BobDancer]Correct. And since you're playing games where the house has the
edge, you'll end up playing fewer hands --- which means you will lose
less. Very smart.Playing even slower, perhaps by walking around your chair between hands, will decrease your losses even more. I
know this sounds sarcastic, but I'm being serious. So long as you
insist on playing bad games, see if you can find ways to slow down. That
will cost you less money per hour[/quote]Bob, thank you for replying to one of my posts.  That doesn't sound a bit sarcastic to me.   I totally agree.  There are only three ways to reduce the cost of playing negative games... play slower, play less or wager less.  You told me this year's ago and it has proven correct.  I am not playing games with a house edge by choice.    I challenged this forum to produce any long term positive video poker game in Florida and so far all I have been given is lurking around looking for left over Ultimate X multipliers.  I haven't found any yet.  If I do, what do I do on the second hand?I do not wish to come across as being combative.   I am sure you recognize that there are people in this world who should stick to quarters even if the odds are negative.   I am one of them.

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Post by Carcounter »

Now that the play in Tampa that Vegas players left for is likely over, any details?

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Post by billryan »

Now that the play in Tampa that Vegas players left for is likely over, any details?

   Other than it was fairly successful and the casino didn't end it early, than no.

If the casino feels it was successful enough, they may repeat it or another casino try it out.

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Post by Carcounter »

No problem

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Post by Jstark »

I challenged this forum to produce any long term positive video poker game in Florida and so far all I have been given is lurking around looking for left over Ultimate X multipliers.  I haven't found any yet.  If I do, what do I do on the second hand?
You play just that one hand (all hands whether 3, 5, or 10 play. Single line UX can be found on "5 Star" machines but work just the same) at 5 credits only, then move on to the next game and left over multipliers. I'm sure you've seen others doing this. Again, not suggesting you do this. Just describing how it works.

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Post by case »


I do agree with you on this karma thing. There is no such thing. If you do a good deed...good for you as you make the world a better place. Things happen in life that make it appear as though you are being repaid for your good deed. It is just coincidence. Ask the guy who gives a homeless man some food and then gets in a car accident what he thinks about karma. Things happen....period.

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Post by Tedlark »

First of all, karma goes back further than what DaBurglar wrote with Christianity.

A "Western" interpretation of karma would be to think of karma as action. There are both good actions and bad actions, similar to both good karma and bad karma. But karma is more of a consequence.

Using Case's example; the man getting into a car accident was not karma from giving the homeless man some food because only good karma (good consequence) can come from that good action. More likely - the bad karma (bad consequence) of the man getting into the car accident came from a bad action like the man running a red light or running the stop sign or driving while intoxicated or texting while driving or failing to yield the right of way or something else.

The "Dao of DaBurglar" would be a confusing read.

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Post by FAA »

Play slower. Play less. Wager less.
I will certainly stick to casinos with FP quarter play. When you eliminate all wagers > $1.25, you become calmer and increase your odds of a pleasant trip. A ride home wracked with guilt and shame has made me sad.

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