NJ Senators

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NJ Senators

Post by jetermacaw »

Lucky to live in a state where one is a sleaze ball crook and the other fancies himself as Spartacus. NJ voters get dumber every day.


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Post by Carcounter »

Jeter, I think Menendez may be in trouble. There has been no recent polling lately, I wonder why. Remember Bob Torricelli? We could be seeing a repeat, but the Dems have to move quickly. When did Torricelli drop out, a month before the general election?

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Post by jetermacaw »

Car, I hope so but I doubt it, remember this is a state that voted in a governor that campaigned that he would raise taxes, make NJ a sanctuary state, promise all illegal aliens free legal aid and now wants to give said illegals free college. You can't make this chit up.

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Post by Carcounter »

I know. And Menendez will get every last voter in his part of the state out to vote. Even if it takes some cash. I just have a feeling that he is in trouble. Hugin seems like a strong candidate and his ads are excellent.

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Post by jetermacaw »

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Post by DaBurglar »

This guy definitely does need to be heard and Somebody(ies) need to investigate this....there are two very extreme, very serious POSSIBLE scenarios going on here:

(1) You have a colossal, obnoxious fraud, Mr. Booker, sitting in the senate representing both NJ and sexual assault victims; If he is as hypocritical as this accuser is making him out to be, then that needs to be heard and exposed, not only for the sake of the Truth, but also for the vast number of REAL legit victims that the MeToo Movement represents and gives hope to...all it takes is one Azz-hole to sink what could and should be a force for good.


2) This alleged victim/accuser is quite simply, making up a colossal falsehood and pushing it hard, which smacks of some sort of political power play/hit Job errily similar to what the Democrats just did to Kavanaugh. Only someone completely naive and hyper-partisan would think that political schemes, conspiracies and hit jobs are something that is "ONLY" done by the other side, which is to say if this alleged GAY Sexual Assault victim is in fact the point person of some Republican scheme to sink Cory Booker, then THAT definitely needs to be exposed too. Two wrongs never make a right, plus it behooves the Republicans to always attempt to maintain the high ground if they are going to campaign as the party of Morality and Christian/Family values. In short, Jesus Christ does not approve of LYING, Deception and False Accusations/False WItnessing.

Here's the cold hard reaity of today: The VAST VAST majority of people on Both sides of the political fence are beyond reasonable, rational, Win-Win discussion and decision making. There's nothing left with which to work. NO ONE is willing to believe either the other side, or ANYONE who utters something or reports on something that CONFLICTS with any preconceived POLITICAL belief or priniciple.

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Post by Carcounter »

Cory Booker is an empty suit. He wanted to be governor, not senator, but didn't have the guts to run against Chris Christie when he was up for his second term.

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Post by FAA »

Sure. Swell consolation prize. It's been quite the charmed life.

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Post by Carcounter »

Yep. he took the easy way out. that's who he is.

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