cell phones...life saver, life taker

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cell phones...life saver, life taker

Post by notes1 »

where would we be without cell phones. most of my work career was spent without this device. sometimes i wonder how much more money i could have made, if i had one the entire time. i did a fair amount of car travel and wasted so much time searching for a phone to use.

who knows how many lives have been saved, injuries/illnesses reduced because of being able to call for help.

but, there is a downside. it seems most every couple of days, i read another article about someone dying because abuse of this device. whether it is texting while driving, walking around with one's head down and not paying attention and more increasingly are the number of people who are dead or seriously injured while taking photos from their phone.

i am a big believer in freedom to make one's own choices. if they hurt themselves, it was their decision. but, this texting while driving is really becoming a big problem and other folks are getting hurt. i think the punishment should be the same as dwi.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I agree in principal Notes. There is a law on the books for distracted driving. I would actually carry things a bit further. All new cars have touch screens now well below eye level. Usually they are in the center of the dashboard. Whether you are looking at them when driving or giving voice commands, your attention is not on the road. I am afraid we are going to see these distracted driving accidents and deaths just continue to escalate. When we were taught to drive, and that was usually by our dad, it was eyes straight ahead, both hands on the wheel, and never tailgate. Today it is impossible to leave a safe space from the car in front of you. Someone will always cut in there. I do get a kick out of these people when we come to the next light and I am still ahead of them. Their weaving in and out usually gets them nowhere. I am going to create some new enemies here because whenever I see a BMW or VW (not a bug) coming, I know to get ready for them cutting in and out. Also the jacked up pickup trucks with all kinds of supposedly macho or threatening stickers on them. Sometimes, they are worse than the other two

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Post by billryan »

Just get through the next ten years. After that, self driving cars will.Eliminate your concerns.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

True. By the way I think my senior years are catching up with me I should have spelled principal space Principle. Principal is the person not the concept.

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Post by onemoretry »

And, the way to remember that is that he's your "pal".

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Post by Tedlark »

Several "habits" can be considered to fit in the statutory definition of distracted driving. How about munching on a burger or a handfull of freedom fries while driving? Yep, distracted driving. How about fumbling around with the dashboard radio controls, searching for your favorite AM radio station? Yep, distracted driving. Or how about rummaging around in the center console, rooting for some change for the tollbooth? Yep, distracted driving. Maybe reaching for that electric razor you dropped while rounding that curve? Yep, distracted driving. Wow! Ponch & Jon would have a field day today. Citation City.

When it comes to the use of mobile electronic devices while driving? This tops the list. Illinois police departments are now placing a special emphasis on this and it's a couple years too late. The number of tickets written for this were in the low hundreds while just last year I think Chicago PD wrote like 8,000. Phew, finally doing something about it but the number of drivers in Illinois who STILL hold a phone up to their ear while driving is stupidly high. What's even more ridiculous are those drivers who think they are in compliance with the Illinois Hand's free law by holding the phone in their hand and talking on speakerphone while driving. No tacos for them.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Last year a guy pulled out of Taco Bell and cut me off. Yep he had his cell phone in one hand while holding the wheel and a Taco in the other. It wasn’t one of the cars I mentioned though. It was what I call a Ricer. An old Honda civic with stick out wheels, plenty of Bondo, and a megaphone exhaust pipe. I almost chased him down. Note I said almost. I don’t need a road rage conviction either. I think I broke the record though for the most 4 letter words spoken in less than a minute.

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